Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Technology: Boon to society or uncontrollable menace?

I was fascinated by The Victorian Internet but even more so by The Day the Universe Changed (even though its title might be a little overblown for the current impact of the little blue marble in the universe). Because of this, I have decided I want to talk about both of them! Both of these were stories of new technology that facilitated, and dramatically increased the distance of, communication. As such they had both intended and unintended consequences.

This means that when new technologies come about, we need to be prepared both for the expected (increased globalization, interconnectedness, etc) as well as the unexpected (illicit use, profiteering, etc).  We saw this in both the technologies described but we also see it in current innovations such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype, and Facetime.

For us as teachers, it means that we must be aware of the ways technology can be misused. For example, students misusing Google Apps email or comment feature to discuss inappropriate things or harass other students. But this doesn’t mean we should be fearful of new technology though as consequences can also be positive such as increasing collaboration and allowing students to continue to be a part of the classroom community even when they can’t be there physically.

For example, I had a student move to Germany during the middle of our big end of the year project (that literally takes all of 3rd and 4th quarter Social Studies and most of our Language Arts time too). He was able to use Google Apps and Facetime to continue with the project, not because he had to (as he was no longer subject to a grade) but because he was engaged with it and wanted to continue working with his group.


  1. It's true that all technologies have constraints, and human nature will always include unsavory characters. What's important for us as teachers is that we design around human nature and these constraints so that our students are still able to use the technologies available to deepen their understanding and connect to the world around them.

  2. It is great how interconnected we are with technology. We use Google Apps at our school and it's been great. Even the students that leave for vacation or are out sick benefit from having all this technology. They are able to communicate with us from where ever they are and they are eager to do it. I

  3. Hey Will! I really like The Victoria Internet too! I found it so fascinating that the reaction and changes the invention of the telegraph brought about were so similar to the invention of the Internet. I use Google Apps a lot personally as a teacher. They have made so many things that I do easier and more streamlined. I can't imagine what I did before them. I just wonder what new App I'll be using next?
